In times of stress Shifu Kanishka always refers to the quote, �No thought, No reflection, No analysis, No cultivation, No intention, let it settle itself.��
Qi gong or meditation in Movement is indeed the ultimate stress buster to begin ones day.? A famous quote says 'Stagnant water is while moving water is fresh' Similarly Qi gong is meditation in motion which works not only the mind but also the body.
Qi Gong is 'Energy techniques' or 'Energy Skills' the ancient Chinese internal arts used for over 5000 years to promote health, emotional happiness and spiritual development. These methods combine movement of postures, breath, and mind to balance and enhance ones vital life energy.
Too much non action meditation (sitting meditation) can be bad for your joints your back your neck as sitting at a computer all day. We meditate to cleanse our minds and open our hearts. Your mind and your body are inseparable.
Today millions of people practice Qi gong around the world to successfully